The Importance of Sexual Health

Why is good sex so important? That sounds like a silly question doesn’t it? A huge amount of research has been conducted since the 1960‘s to investigate the psychology and physiology of sex. It is important for the individual’s overall health and important in relationships as well. We all know that sex feels amazing, but did you know that sexual health is tied to self esteem, can reduce stress, can stave off depression, can lower blood pressure, can relieve pain, can boost your immune system, and new research suggests it can even decrease the risk of prostate cancer for men. Some individuals feel that sex can inspire deeper thoughts and creativity.

Research supports that there are unique parts of the brain that come to life during sex, in addition there is a flood of “feel good” chemicals that are released during the orgasm itself. These chemicals include dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, oxytocin, vasopressin, nitric oxide and the hormone prolactin that all provide a sense of well being. Sex can leave you feeling calm and sleepy and helps couples connect and bond. Many believe that sexual satisfaction is one of the greatest human gifts we are given.

Sexual Health and It’s Importance in Relationships

Any loving relationship requires an emotional connection that is shared by two people. Of course that emotional connection involves more than just a physical connection. There are so many components that go into building a relationship that we can’t even begin to list them and what is important to each person, and each couple, can vary greatly. However, research does show that the bond between a couple is strengthened by the affection that accompanies a sexual relationship between partners. Again, there is a both a psychological and physiological component behind this. Research has shown that a strong physical bond is created between two people by having sex and reaching a climax. The multitude of hormones that flood your body during orgasm promote a more positive connection to your partner. Maintaining a healthy sexual relationship can help maintain a strong bond with the person you love!

It is tragic when we see individuals or couples struggle because they are challenged with some type of sexual dysfunction. As we age our bodies change, and this can lead to difficulties for one or both partners. These issues can be difficult to talk about, even with those we love or a medical provider. They may prevent people from seeking out new relationships or can lead to strain in a current relationships. We hear stories about couples not being on the same page with their sexual desires, or ability to have sex, and the difficulties this creates. We are heart broken when this leads to serious issues in an otherwise good relationship. We can help with the physical issues you may be experiencing, with the goal of healing your body, to help you get things on track. We want you to experience happiness and fulfillment no matter your situation or age!

Please visit our “For Men” and “For Women” pages to learn more about the procedures we offer that can help rejuvenate your body and allow you to confidently enjoy physical intimacy again.

Help is Available!

Don’t you owe it to yourself and your partner (if you are in a relationship) to explore the possibilities of how we may be able to help you? Think of how life changing this could be!

Please take the first step by calling us to make an appointment. We know you will be glad that you did!
Call: 952-225-5400